Record Sealing & Expungements
Record Sealing & Expungement of Criminal Convictions
Under new laws, a person may be eligible to have prior criminal conviction(s) sealed or expunged, if (1) the conviction is an eligible offense, (2) the applicant has waited the appropriate length of time and (3) the applicant has no current criminal charges pending.
An order to seal the record of a person’s conviction(s) restores the person to all rights and privileges not otherwise restored by termination of the sentence or Community Control sanction or by final release on parole or post-release control.
Sealing vs Expungement:
Sealing a criminal case record means that it is unavailable for public access. Upon future criminal convictions, a sealed record may still be considered by the Court in determining a sentence on the new charge.
Expunging a criminal case means that the records are permanently destroyed, so that the record is permanently irretrievable. The waiting period to have a case expunged is 10 years after the time specified at which the person can apply to have the case sealed.
Record Sealing & Expungement of Non-Convictions (No Bill, Dismissals)
Dismissals (to include successful completion of Intervention in Lieu of Conviction cases) and findings of not guilty are eligible at any time after the finding is entered. Cases where no indictment was found (no bill) are eligible for sealing two years after the finding is entered.
Having a record expunged, or sealed, could benefit a person looking for a job, getting a professional license, citizenship, or even housing. People reviewing your application may want to know if you have ever been convicted of a criminal charge.
For more information about expungement, please visit the Lucas County Public Defender’s Office.