Exterior view of the Lucas County Courthouse with statue in frontOur courtrooms are open to the public, and media members are welcome to attend any open hearings. However, please note that media are required to follow Lucas County Common Pleas Court Local Rules regarding audio and visual recording and social media.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Application for media recording shall be submitted to the Bailiff of the Trial Judge at least 24 hours prior to the commencement of the proceeding.
  • Media recording shall encompass broadcasting, televising, recording, or photographs. The term “proceeding” shall be understood to apply to any public hearing held by the Court.
  • Any non-portable equipment shall be set up and ready for operation prior to the commencement of Court sessions. In no event will persons be permitted to bring equipment into the courtroom during a proceeding unless a single person can easily carry such equipment without causing distraction or disturbance.
  • At no time are media allowed to photograph or record video images of jurors, and both victims and witnesses may object to being photographed or recorded.
  • No more than one (1) portable camera with one (1) operator, one (1) still photographer, and one (1) audio system operator may be allowed in the courtroom for broadcasting.
  • Media representatives must arrange for the pooling of equipment without involving the Court.

Additionally, the Court and its employees do not publicly comment on matters still before the court.

Petition for Permission to Publicize Court Proceedings