I received a jury summons in the mail. What do I do?

You need to register online at juryduty.co.lucas.oh.us. You will call 419-213-4288 the day before your scheduled service date.

How did I get selected for jury duty?

Your name was obtained from a list of registered voters in Lucas County. The drawing of prospective jurors is performed according to statutory guidelines, which assures a random selection of a fair cross-section of the community. Your voting record has nothing to do with your ability to be selected. It is the only source list used by Lucas County to obtain jurors’ names.

How long will my jury duty last?

You will be “on-call” for a period of one week (Monday – Friday), or the length of one trial.  You will be told the length of the trial during voir dire and will have an opportunity to discuss any time constraints with the Judge at that time.

The assigned dates do not work for me, can I change them?

Yes, you can reschedule your jury service dates.  Rescheduling can be done online at juryduty.co.lucas.oh.us OR by calling the jury office at 419-213-4790.

What if my employer says they will not give me time off?

Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 2313.19, an employer may not penalize an employee for being called to jury duty.

(A) No employer shall discharge, threaten to discharge, or take any disciplinary action that could lead to the discharge of any permanent employee summoned to serve as a juror pursuant to Chapter 2313. of the Revised Code if the employee gives reasonable notice to the employer of the summons prior to the commencement of the employee’s service as a juror and if the employee is absent from employment because of the actual jury service.

(B) No employer shall require or request an employee to use annual, vacation, or sick leave for time spent responding to a summons for jury duty, participating in the jury selection process, or serving on a jury. Nothing in this division requires an employer to provide annual, vacation, or sick leave to employees under the provisions of this section who otherwise are not entitled to those benefits under the employer’s policies.

How do I prove to my employer that I served Jury Duty?

You may obtain verification upon completion of your jury service.

My group number is in the 800s, are there really that many group numbers?

Yes, there are that many group numbers.

How do I submit an excuse?

There are several ways to submit an excuse: by email to jury_commission@co.lucas.oh.us, through the jury portal at juryduty.co.lucas.oh.us, by fax at 419-213-4151, or by regular U.S. mail to 700 Adams Street, Toledo, OH 43624.

I recently served as juror and I received another summons, do I have to serve again? 

Yes. There is no exemption for prior jury service.

Do I have to respond to the jury summons?

Yes. Your jury summons is an official court order. Anyone who fails to report for jury duty without a lawful excuse from the court may be brought before the court for possible contempt of court proceedings. If found in contempt by the judge, the court may impose a fine and/or other penalty as provided by Ohio law.

What should I wear for jury duty?

Please dress comfortably, but appropriately for the courthouse setting. Jeans are acceptable, however, shirts with suggestive language or logos are not appropriate attire for the courtroom. Temperatures throughout the courthouse can fluctuate, so you may want to bring a sweater or jacket.

Can I bring my cell phone or other electronics with me?

Yes, jurors can keep their cell phones and electronic devices while in the courthouse. However, cell phones are restricted in the courthouse. Please show your summons to the security personnel upon entering the courthouse to keep your cell phone with you.

What items are prohibited to bring with me?

No one may bring a weapon of any type into the courthouse. People entering the courthouse must pass through metal detectors and all purses, briefcases, packages, and other items will be screened by an x-ray machine.

Can I bring my children?

No, the jury waiting area does not have babysitting or childcare services, nor are any available at the Courthouse. Please arrange for childcare. The Court cannot reimburse you for these costs.

What is a valid excuse from jury duty?

I misplaced my summons. How do I find out my barcode and/or group number?

Email the jury office at jury_commission@co.lucas.oh.us OR call the jury office at (419) 213-4790 to obtain this information.