Juror Code of Conduct
- Be on time. The trial cannot proceed until all jurors are present.
- Always wear your juror badge, even during lunch and while on break.
- Pay close attention to what is being said by everyone. If you cannot hear what is being said, raise your hand and let the judge know.
- Do not discuss the case with anyone while the trial is in progress; this includes other jurors or family members.
- If any outsider attempts to talk with you about a case you are serving on, please do the following: (1) tell the person it is improper for a juror to discuss the case or receive any information outside the courtroom; (2) refuse to listen if the outsider persists; 3) report the incident at once to the judge’s bailiff.
- Report to the judge’s bailiff any improper behavior by a fellow juror.
- Jurors on a case should refrain from discussing any subject – even if it’s not related to the matter being tried – with any lawyer, witness, or party in the case. Such contact may make a new trial necessary.
- If it develops during the trial that a juror learns elsewhere of some fact about the case, he/she should inform the court immediately. Do not mention any such matter in the jury room.
- Do not try to conduct your own investigation or discover evidence on your own. Cases must be decided only based on evidence admitted in court.
- Listen carefully to the instructions given to you by the judge before deliberations. It is your responsibility to accept the judge’s instructions about the law and how it will be applied to the case.
- Do not talk to anyone about deliberations or the verdict until the judge discharges you from the case. After discharge, you may discuss the verdict and the deliberations with anyone, including the media, the lawyers, or your family. But you are NOT obligated to do so.
Internet and Social Media
- Do not research the case online in any way, including searching for information about the attorney’s or judge
- Do not communicate anything about the case via Facebook, Twitter Instagram or any online messaging service.
- Follow instructions by the judge or other court personnel.
- Immediately report unauthorized Internet or social media use to the judge or authorized court personnel.