This message is for Monday, March 31st through Friday, April 4th.

No jurors are needed to report on Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday or Friday.   Your service has been completed.

Grand jurors: Please follow the reporting instructions on the letter that you received. 



Fax Number:  419-213-4151



Jury Service Scam

There has recently been an increase in “Jury Service Scams” reported to the Court.  Citizens will NOT be contacted by the Court or law enforcement demanding payment, in lieu of arrest, if you have not reported for jury duty. If you are unable to serve jury duty or if you have been contacted by anyone regarding your service and you have a question, please call the Court’s Jury Office at (419) 213-4790

For All Jurors

Welcome to the Jury Commission web page for the Lucas County Common Pleas Court. This site has been created for use by prospective jurors, their employers, and the general public to learn about jury service in our court.

If you are accessing this website because you have received a jury summons, we sincerely hope that your experience will provide you with an enjoyable, interesting, educational, and meaningful opportunity to gain a better understanding of the law, the courts, and our system of justice. Your service as a juror in our court is crucial to our legal system. Simply put, we cannot function without you! There is no more valuable work that citizens can perform during peacetime than that of the full and honest discharge of jury duty.

To register, please visit Jury Duty Portal to complete your juror information. By registering and entering your cell phone number, you can receive text notifications regarding your request for an excuse.

We’re sure that you have many questions regarding your jury duty. Upon your arrival for jury service, you will receive an orientation that will address many of these issues. In the meantime, this website has been created to address many preservice concerns and give you an idea of what jury service is like in the Common Pleas Court.

In case of inclement weather, please call (419) 213-4288 to obtain information related to the closing of the Court.

If you do not find the answers to your questions here or on our Jury FAQ and wish to speak directly to the jury office personally, please contact (419) 213-4790.

Reporting Instructions

Trial jurors must be available and ready to report when instructed. All jurors are on stand-by status for the time period shown on your summons and must call a recorded message which contains instructions regarding the actual need to report to the courthouse.

Please call (419) 213-4288 after 5 pm the evening before the first day of your jury service.

A recorded message will tell you which group numbers are to report the following day and the time they are needed to report. Please report to the courthouse by the time stated on the recorded message.

NOTE: Late arrivals are subject to rescheduling without pay. Please do not bring children, relatives, or friends with you, as the waiting facilities for jurors are limited. 

Jury Duty Registration